25–30 Aug 2024
Hilton Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Speaker Preparation

The files of the presentations should be uploaded to Indico as early as possible and no later than the day before the presentation. 

General Requirements

  • Slides will use the 16:9 aspect ratio.
  • Presentations must be uploaded to Indico the day before their scheduled time in order to allow verification and transfer to the conference A/V file server system.
  • There will be absolutely no provision for authors to use their personal computers under any circumstances.
  • Each Invited Oral will take 20 minutes
  • Each Oral Poster Presentation will take 5 minutes


Once the presentations have been uploaded to the conference server, they can be checked on the conference computers provided in the Speaker Preparation Room (PDR7). 

Slides that have been successfully submitted and presented will be published in the web version of the proceedings without further action on the part of the speaker.

Please, do not hesitate to contact the Presentation Manager (denise@anl.gov) for any questions you may have on how to prepare your oral presentation.

If you have any special requirements concerning visual aids, including movies and/or audio, please contact the LINAC’24 Editorial Team in advance of the conference via email to LINAC24SPC@anl.gov or prior to the presentation in the Speaker Preparation Room as soon as possible.

Speaker Preparation Room

The Speaker Preparation Room is in Dining Room 7 (PDR7) on the 3rd floor.

The day before presentations, all speakers are required to check that their slides are working correctly on the computers located in this room that are the same as those used in the auditoria.  

Speaker Preparation Room Hours 

  • Sunday, August 25 – 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
  • Monday, August 26; Tuesday, August 27; Thursday, August 29 – 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, August 28 - 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
  • Friday, August 30 – 7:30 - 11:00 a.m.


Presentation Equipment and Software 

Laptop PCs will be used for displaying presentations. Authors will not be allowed to use their personal computers.

Software pre-installed on the computers for the presentations include MS Power Point, LibreOffice, Firefox, Chrome, and Adobe Acrobat. 

Preparation of Presentation Slides

In addition to the presentation source file  we require a PDF file for inclusion in the conference proceedings. 

In PDF, PowerPoint, and LibreOffice Impress files be sure that all fonts are embedded. No external resources (like linked, not embedded, images) should be used.

Upload of Presentations

Speakers are required to upload their presentation in exactly the same way as their paper contributions.

The files of the presentations should be uploaded to Indico as early as possible and no later than the day before the presentation. Files must be named with the program code followed by “_talk”, for example: 

  • MOXA999_talk.pptx 
  • MOXA999_talk.pdf 


Documents are then uploaded through the LINAC’24 Indico “My Contributions”area. 

Be sure to select “Slides” in the “Submit files” button under the Editing area of your contribution: 

During the Presentation 

The session chair assistant will help speakers with their presentations and any minor issues. For technical AV issues in the ballroom, a technician will be on hand to assist.