25–30 Aug 2024
Hilton Chicago
America/Chicago timezone


Registration for LINAC2024 is now open! Three categories of registration are available:

  • Delegate
  • Student
  • Exhibitor/Sponsor

For all three categories, registration and payment by credit card is completed through CVent.

When registering make sure to use the same email address that is registered in your JACoW SPMS profile.

LINAC2024 Registration: https://cvent.me/E4o1k9

$USD 875 Delegate registration (early)
$USD 975 Delegate registration
$USD 450 Student registration*
$USD 5,200 Exhibitor (Premium)
$USD 3,300 Exhibitor (Standard)

Applicable deadlines are listed under Important Dates.

* students should be registered in a program at an institution for higher learning to qualify for the student rate. Student delegates may be called upon to help with the scientific program activities.

You will receive a confirmation email when you have successfully completed registration. The registration system is managed by CVent.

For delegates whose principal affiliation is Argonne National Laboratory, we are also able to accept payment through an internal payment transfer. The payment rates summarized in the table above for early and regular delegate registration are the same. Argonne delegates are requested to please contact linac24@anl.gov if you are interested in completing payment through an internal payment transfer rather than by credit card.

Registration includes the following:

Welcome Reception (Sunday, August 25)
Social Outing on (Wednesday, August 28)
Conference Banquet (Thursday, August 29)
WISE+ Event (Tuesday, August 27)
Lunch (Monday-Thursday)
Coffee breaks