25–30 Aug 2024
Hilton Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

The 648 MHz klystron power source system of CSNS-II Linac superconducting ellipsoid cavity

29 Aug 2024, 16:00
Boulevard (Hilton Chicago)


Hilton Chicago

720 South Michigan Ave Chicago, IL 60605 USA
Poster Presentation MC4.6 RF power sources and power couplers Thursday Poster Session


Zhencheng Mu (Institute of High Energy Physics)


The CSNS-II superconducting Linac accelerator includes 20 sets of 324 MHz superconducting spoke cavities and 24 sets of 648 MHz superconducting Ellipsoidal cavities. The beam energy at the end of the superconducting Linac accelerator reaches 300 MeV. The 324 MHz solid-state power source supplies RF power to superconducting Spoke cavity, while the 648 MHz klystron power source supplies RF power to superconducting Ellipsoid cavity. The RF pulse width of the 648 MHz klystron is 1.2 ms, the repetitive frequency is 50 Hz, and the peak power is 800 kW. The 1.5 ms long pulse solid-state modulator provides high voltage pulse for the klystron, and each modulator is equipped with four klystrons.


Zhencheng Mu (Institute of High Energy Physics)


Bo Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics) Hexin Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics) Hui Zhang (Dongguan Neutron Science Center) Lin Rong (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Ma Wan (Institute of High Energy Physics) Zhe Xie (Institute of High Energy Physics)

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