25–30 Aug 2024
Hilton Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Completion of Phase B+ beam commissioning of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)

29 Aug 2024, 16:00
Boulevard (Hilton Chicago)


Hilton Chicago

720 South Michigan Ave Chicago, IL 60605 USA
Poster Presentation MC3.2 Ion linac projects Thursday Poster Session


Tomoya Akagi (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)


The Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF/EVEDA) are being pursued under the Broader Approach agreement between EURATOM and the Japanese government. The Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) is under commissioning in Rokkasho, Japan to demonstrate the feasibility of the high duty (CW) and high current (125mA) deuteron beam operation. Currently, the LIPAc beamline is in its final configuration, except for the SRF linac currently replaced by a temporary beam transport line, and is undergoing a high duty cycle RFQ operation up to 5 MeV, which is called Phase B+ and is planned to be completed by the end of June 2024. The major goals of this phase are to validate the RFQ, MEBT and Beam Dump performances at high duty cycle and to characterize the beam properties in preparation to the final configuration with the SRF linac. As of the end of April 2024, a beam current of about 115 mA, a pulse length of up to 3 ms and duty cycle of up to about 4% have been successfully achieved. After the completion of the Phase B+, the SRF will be delivered to the accelerator room and installed in the beamline. This paper will present the results of the Phase B+.


Tomoya Akagi (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)


Florian Benedetti (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team) Yann Carin (Fusion For Energy) Janic Chambrillon (Fusion for Energy) Fabio Cismondi (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team) Andrea De Franco (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) Hervé Dzitko (Fusion For Energy) Takashi Ebisawa (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) Dominique Gex (Fusion For Energy) Kazuo Hasegawa (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) Kouki Hirosawa (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) Jibong Hyun (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) Tomonobu Itagaki (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) David Jimenez-Rey (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) Naomi Kaneko (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) Atsushi Kasugai (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) Keitaro Kondo (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) Kohki Kumagai (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) Saerom Kwon (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) Kai Masuda (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team) Akihiko Mizuno (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute) Iván Moya (Fusion For Energy) Francesco Scantamburlo (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team) Masayoshi Sugimoto (Nippon Advanced Technology Co., Ltd.)

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