The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been proposing an accelerator-driven nuclear transmutation system (ADS) as a future nuclear system. In preparation for the actual design of the CW proton linac for the JAEA-ADS, we are now prototyping a low-beta (around 0.2) single-spoke cavity. The cavity fabrication started in 2020. Most of the cavity parts were shaped in fiscal year 2020 by press-forming and machining. In 2021, we started welding the shaped cavity parts together. By preliminarily investigating the optimum welding conditions using mock-up test pieces, each cavity part was joined together with smooth welding beads. So far, we have fabricated the body section and the two end-plate sections. By measuring the resonant frequency of the temporarily assembled cavity, it was confirmed that there were no significant problems with the cavity fabrication.