25–30 Aug 2024
Hilton Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

High charge, 10-GeV electron bunches from a 10-cm long, nanoparticle assisted, laser wakefield accelerator: our next steps

29 Aug 2024, 11:50
Grand Ballroom (Hilton Chicago)

Grand Ballroom

Hilton Chicago

720 South Michigan Ave Chicago, IL 60605 USA
Invited Oral Presentation MC2.6 Other electron accelerators Main Session THY


Stephen Milton (TAU Systems, Inc.)


We recently demonstrated generation of very high charge (1+ nC), very high energy (10 GeV) electron bunches from a nanoparticle-assisted laser wakefield accelerator [1]. While the experiment did yield record breaking results, the statistics were quite poor due to the very slow repetition rate of the Texas Petawatt Laser system. We are currently on a campaign to repeat and improve upon these results. Here we will report on our improved understanding of the nanoparticle-assist effect as well as the planned experimental program we have laid out.

[1] C. Aniculaesei et al. “The Acceleration of a High-Charge Electron Bunch to 10 GeV in a 10-cm Nanoparticle-Assisted Wakefield Accelerator”, Matter Radiat. Extremes 9, 014001 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0161687


Stephen Milton (TAU Systems, Inc.)


Bjorn Hegelich (The University of Texas at Austin)

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