Electron beam dynamics
- Sara Thorin (MAX IV Laboratory)
Good understanding of the underlying beam dynamics is mandatory for the successful design and operation of Free-Electron Lasers. In particular, it is important that all physically relevant collective effects are adequately represented in simulation codes so that their influence on the phase-space evolution of the bunch can be calculated with sufficient accuracy at all relevant length scales. ...
To date, the main obstacle to the extension of free electron lasers’ longitudinal coherence to the water window and beyond is the detrimental effect of spurious harmonic content in the longitudinal profile of electron bunches, namely the microbunching instability.
Intra-beam scattering is another (less known) collective effect that consists of multiple (small-angle) soft Coulomb scattering...
High-resolution measurements of the uncorrelated energy spread at SwissFEL indicate energy spread levels much larger than predicted by state-of-the-art particle tracking. This contribution presents measurements of the energy spread at the SwissFEL injector as a function of the electron bunch charge, the optics and the longitudinal dispersion of the lattice. The results indicate that both...
One of the serious issues for short electron bunches in electron beam accelerators is the microbunching instability driven by longitudinal wake fields along the accelerator. Over the last decades a tremendous effort has been made in the theoretical understanding and experimental study of the microbunching instability impact on free electron laser performances. At the European XFEL, the...