FEL Oscillators and IRFELs
- Ying Wu (Duke University)
At the mid-infrared free electron laser oscillator in Kyoto University (KU-FEL), high extraction efficiency (9.4%) operation has been achieved [1] by introducing the dynamic cavity desynchronization technique [2] and photocathode operation of a thermionic RF gun [1]. Because of the interaction between the electron beam and FEL electromagnetic field, a maximum electron energy decrease of 16%...
While the linac based single-pass FEL has been successfully operated
in the EUV and x-ray regions for about two decades, the oscillator
FEL has been limited to operating in the longer wavelength region
due to the limitation of high-reflectivity, thermally stable, and
radiation-resistant short-wavelength mirrors. With Duke storage ring FEL,
we have recently extended the shortest lasing...
The THz gap is a region of the electromagnetic spectrum where high average and peak power radiation sources are scarce while scientific and industrial applications grow in demand. Free-electron laser coupling in a magnetic undulator can provide radiation generation in this frequency range, but slippage effects require the use of relatively long and low current electron bunches in the THz FEL,...
We present a scheme to generate synchronized THz and Soft X-ray radiation pulses by using a Free-Electron Laser Oscillator driven by a high repetition rate energy recovery linac. The backward THz radiation in the oscillator cavity produces naturally synchronized Soft/Hard X rays via Thomson back-scattering by interacting with a successive electron bunch. The performances of this dual source...