22–26 Aug 2022
Trieste Convention Centre
Europe/Zurich timezone

High Brightness Self-Seeded X-Ray FEL and Its Applications at PAL-XFEL

23 Aug 2022, 16:00
Exhibition Hall (Trieste Convention Centre)

Exhibition Hall

Trieste Convention Centre

Contributed Poster Seeded FEL Tuesday posters


MyungHoon Cho (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)


Nearly fully coherent hard X-ray self-seeded (HXRSS) free-electron laser (FEL) pulses with an unprecedented peak-brightness and a narrow spectrum using the forward Bragg-diffraction (FBD) monochromator has been provided. We have achieved outstanding performance of HXRSS FEL over photon energy range covering from 3.5 keV to 14.6 keV at PAL-XFEL. Furthermore, an averaged energy of seed FEL of ~1mJ is obtained in the range from 5 keV to 10 keV. With these pulses single-shot coherent imaging (SSI) experiment and serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) were performed. We developed x-ray energy scanning program with the help of double crystal monochromator (DCM), which results in improved spectral impurity and fully calibrated energy scale. With this energy scanning program, we have conducted test experiments such as resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) and X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES), femtosecond time resolved X-ray absorption near edge structure (TR-XANES). In this presentation, we present recent experimental results by using the hard X-ray self-seeded FEL with energy scanning at PAL-XFEL.

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Inhyuk Nam (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) MyungHoon Cho (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Changbum Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Heung-Sik Kang (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Chi Hyun Shim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Chang-ki Min (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)

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