22–26 Aug 2022
Trieste Convention Centre
Europe/Zurich timezone

Simulation Studies for the ASPECT Project at European XFEL

22 Aug 2022, 16:00
1h 30m
Exhibition Hall (Trieste Convention Centre)

Exhibition Hall

Trieste Convention Centre

Contributed Poster SASE FEL Monday posters


Jiawei Yan (European XFEL GmbH) Gianluca Geloni (European XFEL GmbH) Christoph Lechner (European XFEL GmbH)Dr Ye Chen (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Marc Guetg (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Evgeny Schneidmiller (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Svitozar Serkez (European XFEL GmbH)Dr Christoph Heyl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)


Intense attosecond pulses generated by x-ray free-electron lasers (XFEL) are promising for attosecond science, for example, to study the quantum mechanical motion of electrons in molecules. This paper presents numerical simulations of the generation of attosecond soft and hard x-ray FEL pulses with the chirp-taper and Enhanced SASE schemes, based on the parameters of the European XFEL. To overcome the coherence time barrier, a modification of the chirp-taper scheme [1] is used in the case of soft x-rays. The results show that several hundred attosecond pulses can be obtained at photon energies of both 700 eV and 6 keV.

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Jiawei Yan (European XFEL GmbH) Gianluca Geloni (European XFEL GmbH) Christoph Lechner (European XFEL GmbH) Dr Ye Chen (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Marc Guetg (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Evgeny Schneidmiller (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Svitozar Serkez (European XFEL GmbH) Dr Christoph Heyl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)

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