Recently, Hard x-ray self-seeding (HXRSS) operations at the European X-ray free-electron laser (EuXFEL) opened a pathway towards the application of pulses with high spectral density (in terms of ph/eV per pulse) in the fields of applied physics, chemistry and biology, where the coherent radiation spectrum is essential. The spectrum of hard x-ray self seeding pulses is generally accompanied by a pedestal around the central seeded photon energy. The pedestal contains two separate components: normal self-amplified spontaneous (SASE) and sideband emissions that can be ascribed to long-wavelength modulations of the electron beam. The pedestal limits the spectral purity and can impact some user applications. In this report, we analyze the purity of HXRSS pulses in the presence of microbunching instability. We look at the spectral contents after and before saturation, and display the contribution of the pedestal in the HXRSS spectrum.
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