22–26 Aug 2022
Trieste Convention Centre
Europe/Zurich timezone

Virtual Diagnostic for Longitudinal Phase Space Imaging for the MAX IV SXL Project

24 Aug 2022, 16:00
1h 30m
Exhibition Hall (Trieste Convention Centre)

Exhibition Hall

Trieste Convention Centre

Contributed Poster Electron diagnostics, timing, synchronization & controls Wednesday posters


Johan Lundquist (Lund University) Sverker Werin (Lund University) Francesca Curbis (Lund University)


Accurate and high resolution detection of the Longitudinal Phase Space (LPS) of the electron beam is a great advantage for operating and setting up a FEL. In the case of the soft X-ray FEL being proposed at the MAX IV synchrotron facility in Lund, this information is mainly supplied by a Transverse Deflecting Cavity (TDC) which is currently being installed and scheduled for commissioning in the autumn. Performing the LPS measurement with the future TDC is limited in two regards: it is destructive and may be low in resolution as compared to the maximum compression possible in the MAX IV linac. In this project we propose using machine learning tools to implement a virtual diagnostic to retrieve the LPS information non-destructively using fast, non-invasive measurements and critical set-points in the linac as inputs for a neural network. In this paper we summarize the current progress of this project which has thus far focused on simulation studies of the TDC and the training of a virtual diagnostic using the TDC's simulated output.

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Johan Lundquist (Lund University) Sverker Werin (Lund University) Francesca Curbis (Lund University)

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