22–26 Aug 2022
Trieste Convention Centre
Europe/Zurich timezone

Simulations of Ultrahigh Brightness Beams from a Plasma Photocathode Injector

23 Aug 2022, 16:00
Exhibition Hall (Trieste Convention Centre)

Exhibition Hall

Trieste Convention Centre

Contributed Poster Novel acceleration and FEL concepts Tuesday posters


Lily Berman (University of Strathclyde)


Plasma photocathode injectors may enable electron beams with normalised emittance at the nm-rad level from a Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (PWFA) stage [1]. These electron beams typically have kA-level peak currents leading to ultrahigh 5D brightness beams with the potential to drive advanced light sources [1]. The feasibility of the plasma photocathode was demonstrated at FACET-I at SLAC [2]. Further experimental campaigns are gradually aiming toward ultrahigh 5D and 6D brightness beams at FACET-II [3]. However, a series of milestones must be reached before these beams can be utilised for XFELs. For example, electron beams accelerated in plasma-based accelerators inherently have a significant energy chirp due to the GV/m accelerating gradients involved. Since energy chirp and energy spread can be detrimental to the high-gain FEL interaction, advanced approaches have been developed for energy spread minimisation of the initially ultrahigh 5D brightness beams towards ultrahigh 6D brightness [4]. Here we show within the framework of the PWFA-FEL project that it may also be possible to produce ultrahigh 5D brightness beams with reduced energy spread using beam-loading. We present results aiming at a trade-off between reduced energy spread, increased peak current, and increased emittance and their application to a soft XFEL in the water window.

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Lily Berman (University of Strathclyde) A. Fahim Habib (University of Strathclyde) Thomas Heinemann (University of Strathclyde) Grace Manahan (University of Strathclyde) Andrew Sutherland (University of Strathclyde) David Campbell (University of Strathclyde) Mr Adam Hewitt (University of Strathclyde) Mr Alex Dickson (University of Strathclyde) Bernhard Hidding (University of Strathclyde)

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