22–26 Aug 2022
Trieste Convention Centre
Europe/Zurich timezone

Experimental Demonstration of Temporally Shaped Picosecond Optical Pulses for Driving Electron Photoinjectors

23 Aug 2022, 16:00
Exhibition Hall (Trieste Convention Centre)

Exhibition Hall

Trieste Convention Centre

Contributed Poster Electron sources Tuesday posters


Next-generation electron photoinjector accelerators, such as the LCLS-II photoinjector, have increasingly tight requirements on the excitation lasers, often calling for tens of picosecond, temporally flat-top, ultraviolet (UV) pulse trains to be delivered at up to 1 MHz. We present an experimental demonstration of temporal pulse shaping for the LCLS-II photoinjector laser resulting in temporally flat-top pulses with 24 ps durations. Our technique is a non-colinear sum frequency generation scheme wherein two identical infrared optical pulses are imparted with equal and opposite amounts of spectral dispersion. The mixing of these dispersed pulses within a thick nonlinear crystal generates a second harmonic optical pulse that is spectrally narrowband with a designed temporal profile*. In experiment we achieve upwards of 40% conversion efficiency with this process allowing this to be used for high average and peak power applications. These narrowband pulses can then be directly upconverted to the UV towards use in driving free electron laser photocathodes. Additionally, we present a theoretical framework for adapting this method to shape optical pulses driving other photoinjector based applications.

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Randy Lemons (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Nicole Neveu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Joseph Duris (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Agostino Marinelli (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Charles Durfee (Colorado School of Mines) Sergio Carbajo (University of California, Los Angeles)

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