22–26 Aug 2022
Trieste Convention Centre
Europe/Zurich timezone

Attoseconds at Harmonics at the European XFEL: First Results at SASE3

22 Aug 2022, 09:46
Auditorium Generali (Trieste Convention Centre)

Auditorium Generali

Trieste Convention Centre

viale Miramare, 24/2 Trieste - Italy
Contributed Oral First lasing First lasing


Andrei Trebushinin (European XFEL GmbH)


We report on the first observation of short, single-spike events generated at the SASE3 beamline of European XFEL via the “attosecond at harmonics method”. The approach was first proposed in [1]. We created bunching in the linear regime at around 0.5 keV and then, after bunching optimization by means of a magnetic chicane, we amplified the 4th harmonic bunching with a part of the undulator set to 2 keV. Due to the non-linear transformation of the bunching during the harmonic jump, radiation generated using this scheme occasionally exhibits single spike spectra (about a percent of the shots, which makes it attractive to use the method at high repetition-rate FELs). We expect those to correspond to single spikes in time-domain. We replicated the experiment numerically with the help of the GENESIS code.

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Andrei Trebushinin (European XFEL GmbH) Gianluca Geloni (European XFEL GmbH) Svitozar Serkez (European XFEL GmbH) Giuseppe Mercurio (European XFEL GmbH) Natalia Gerasimova (European XFEL GmbH) Marc Guetg (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Evgeny Schneidmiller (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)

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