20–25 Mar 2022
Lucerne, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Paper Upload

The deadline for the upload of contributions to the proceedings will
be communicated in due course.

Paper Upload

All contributions properly presented at the conference are eligible for publication in the conference proceedings at the JACoW website.

All contributions to the proceedings must be uploaded via FLS'22/JACoW Author Accounts.

The successful processing of all contributions during the conference depends heavily on the collaboration of all authors. Since the JACoW editorial team is only available during the conference, any delay in receiving contributions will cause a delay in processing them, and will ultimately jeopardize swift publication on JACoW.

Submit only papers that are final and ready for publication. "Place holders" or "preliminary" versions waste the time of the editors and jeopardize early publication. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject such submissions.

Authors are advised to download the appropriate JACoW template for MSWord, LaTeX and OpenDocument and follow the instructions contained in the template on how to use it. The templates contain styles which, when applied, will automatically ensure correct typesetting and layout. In MS Word use the JACoW Styles and Macros pull-down from the toolbar.

Submission of Electronic Files

What to Submit

Once the contribution has been prepared using the JACoW template, the author should submit all of the following files:

1. A properly formatted MS Word, OpenDocument, or LaTeX document.
2. A PDF file made from this document.
3. Each original illustration in its native format as used in the document.

For Oral Presentations:

PDF, PowerPoint or OpenDocument of slides for the oral presentation (and associated video or animation files where appropriate in their native format)

What Files Should Be Provided?

Only files named according to the paper's program code can be uploaded via the system. ALL files used to produce the contribution must be uploaded, for example, for paper MOXAB01, file names should be

MOXAB01.pdf - the PDF file;
Source files:
MOXAB01.docx –  the WORD source file, or
MOXAB01.tex - the LaTeX source file, if LaTeX was used, or
MOXAB01.odt - the OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice source file, if used

Figure files:

MOXAB01f1.eps - EPS file containing Figure 1 (uploaded as "Other Supporting File")
MOXAB01f2.tif – (or .jpg, .png, .gif) file containing Figure 2 (uploaded as "Other Supporting File")
Oral presentation:
The file to be used for the oral presentation (uploaded as "Transparancies".  Any movies from the presentation should be uploaded as "Talk movies")