In this talk CEPC accelerator EDR satus will be presented, in which SRF system, magnets system, vacuum system, high power and high efficiency klystrons develpment, linac injector system, alignment and instatllation, MDI, civil engineering design and green collider technologies, etc will be covered.
The laser-based synchronisation systems for the European XFEL and FLASH provide femtosecond-stable timing references for tens of clients along the accelerator and the experiment halls over many kilometres of optical fibre. Recently, benchmarking experiments revealed a point-to-point timing stability with sub-femtosecond rms timing jitter. At the same time geophysical effects like ocean waves...
Summary: An experiment to fly an accelerator in space recently concluded successfully. Discuss the objectives, differences from terrestrial accelerators, and results from the flight.
Accelerators have the potential to play a major role in space-based activities. These can range from investigation of the Earth’s magnetic field, to helping mitigate the effects of increased solar activity...