1–6 Jun 2025
Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
Asia/Taipei timezone


FRXD1: Beam Dynamics and EM Fields (Invited)

6 Jun 2025, 09:00
Hall 101 (TICC)

Hall 101


Presentation materials

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Takeshi Toyama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
06/06/2025, 09:00
Invited Oral Presentation

Starting with my first experience of the transverse feedback damper in the KEK 12 GeV PS in 2006, where we tested with analog system and in addition digital controller from SPring-8 team. Since then, digital systems have come to cover almost all the machines. In J-PARC MR bunch-by-bunch transverse feedback system had been introduced with a collaboration at the proton beam power around 150 kW...

Shyh-Yuan Lee (Indiana University)
06/06/2025, 09:30
Invited Oral Presentation

Feasibility of strong focusing synchrotron for cold neutron beams

Building timetable...