1–6 Jun 2025
Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
Asia/Taipei timezone


THXD:Novel Particle Sources and Acceleration Techniques (Invited)

5 Jun 2025, 09:00
Hall 101 (TICC)

Hall 101


Presentation materials

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Riccardo Pompili (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
05/06/2025, 09:00
Invited Oral Presentation

A new approach that demonstrates the guiding of relativistic electron beams over curved paths by means of a plasma-discharge capillary is presented. The magnetic field produced by the discharge current is used to deflect and focus the beam along a curved capillary, showing that the guiding can be made dispersion-less, i.e. not affected by chromatic dispersion. This proof-of-principle...

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