1–6 Jun 2025
Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
Asia/Taipei timezone

Commissioning of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade -- the first swap-out injection-based synchrotron light source

Not scheduled
Hall. 101 (TICC)

Hall. 101


Contributed Oral Presentation MC2.A04 Circular Accelerators TUCD:Photon Sources and Electron Accelerators (Contributed)


Vadim Sajaev (Argonne National Laboratory)


The Advanced Photon Source (APS) recently completed a transformative upgrade, replacing its 25-year-old storage ring with a state-of-the-art hybrid seven-bend achromat lattice with six additional reverse bends. The new design features a low natural emittance of 42 pm-rad, enabling productions of X-rays up to 500 times brighter than the original APS. The upgrade introduced a pioneering swap-out injection scheme, replacing entire depleted bunches rather than topping them up. This approach enables on-axis injection to accommodate for the reduced dynamic aperture resulting from strong focusing. The paper describes the commissioning process, operating experience with swap-out injection, and gives performance parameters of new systems such as the bunch-lengthening cavity.

Funding Agency

Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.

Region represented America
Paper preparation format LaTeX


Vadim Sajaev (Argonne National Laboratory)


Jeffrey Dooling (Argonne National Laboratory) Joseph Calvey (Argonne National Laboratory) Katherine Harkay (Argonne National Laboratory) Louis Emery (Argonne National Laboratory) Michael Borland (Argonne National Laboratory) Nikita Kuklev (Argonne National Laboratory) Osama Mohsen (Argonne National Laboratory) Yine Sun (Argonne National Laboratory)

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