Next generation heavy ion accelerators such as HIAF (High Intensity heavy ion Accelerator Facility), FRIB (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams), SPIRAL2, and so on strongly require high intensity highly charged ion beams. The production of intense highly charged heavy ion beams such as U3n+ is a worldwide challenge for the community. ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) ion source is the most powerful machine to produce intense highly charged heavy ion beams. Recently, with the better understanding of ECR ion source plasma behavior and ion source technology advancement, high intensity heavy ion beams such as >0.5 emA U35+ (CW), >0.1 emA U46+ (pulsed) have been produced with state-of-the-art 24-28 GHz ECR ion sources. To further improve beam intensity for higher charge state heavy ion beams, the world First fourth generation ECR ion source (named as FECR) with microwave frequency 45 GHz is being developed at IMP. After 8 years development, the first plasma has been made in May 2024. This talk will report the recent progress of record beam intensity productions. The first beam commissioning results of FECR will be also presented.
Funding Agency
National Natural Science Foundation of China (12025506, 11427904 )
Region represented | Asia |
Paper preparation format | Word |