TUA: Oral Session MC4
- Laurent Maunoury (Normandy Hadrontherapy)
Early Morning Session
This paper presents an innovative solution to address the issue of asymmetric dipole fields in the injection region of the TRIUMF electron cyclotron resonance ion source charge state booster. The asymmetric fields arise from a wide gap in the booster's injection soft iron plug, which allows the connection of the RF waveguide to the plasma chamber. Simulations have revealed that singly charged...
The user requests for higher beam energies and intensities have driven the decision to upgrade the ECR2 ion source at the Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System. Multiple upgrades are in progress with the expected outcome of dramatically increased ECR2 beam intensities and charge state capabilities. The magnetic upgrades include integrating an improved hexapole permanent magnet array* that...
The capture of the 1+ beam is a key parameter in the charge breeding process with an ECRIS-Charge Breeder as it greatly influences the 1+N+ conversion efficiency. The shape of the efficiency vs incident ion energy « Delta V » curve originally led to the theory of slowing down of the injected ions essentially by cumulative small-angle scatterings in collisions with the buffer gas ions. Recent...