Sep 15 – 19, 2024
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Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Note: Authors will need a JACoW central repository account with up-to-date information, but all abstracts will be submitted only through JACoW Indico. Abstracts not submitted through Indico will not be considered for inclusion in ECRIS’24.

Contributed abstracts to JACoW can be submitted from this screen.

Please carefully read the instructions at before submitting your abstract here.

Special instructions for the form

Abstract Title

Enter the title of the abstract using initial capital letters. For example: “This is a Paper Title in Initial Capital Letters”.

Abstract Content

Text should not exceed 1200 characters. Use one or more asterisks (, *, etc.) to indicate footnotes to be entered in the footnotes field (see below).

Special Characters: Authors are requested to avoid using Greek symbols, superscripts or subscripts, LaTeX, MarkDown etc. while submitting the abstract. Please enter a text-only abstract here.

Footnotes/Funding Agency

Footnotes may not exceed 200 characters, so be judicious and concise in your use of references. Enter footnotes, or publications referenced by the asterisks in the Abstract Text field with a carriage return after each. Enter funding agency information in this field. This field should not be used to request sponsorship at the conference.

Contribution Type

Only oral and poster presentations can be submitted for ECRIS’24.

Classification of Abstracts (tracks)

All contributions are grouped by Main Classification. Authors are reminded that it is their responsibility to properly classify their abstracts to ensure that, if accepted for presentation, the paper is properly placed within the conference program. A description of the scope of the classifications is provided to help authors with this task (see the Main Classifications section).

Entry of Co-authors

Please follow the dedicated instructions and screenshots to correctly enter all your co-authors.

It is assumed that the submitting author would present a paper for oral presentation if selected. The names of submitting authors/persons who will make oral presentations need to appear first in the list of authors in the program and author index of the proceedings. If a person other than the submitting author would present the paper, this should be indicated on this page.

The roles thus assigned are used to generate the sort order for authors in the table of contents. The names of primary/submitting authors should appear first in the list of authors, followed in alphabetical order by co-authors with the same affiliation. Co-authors from other affiliations are grouped by affiliation, in alphabetical order.

It is important to remember to enter all co-authors. Failure to do so means they will be excluded from the author index in the conference program booklet and in the proceedings.

Notification of Acceptance

Right after submission the main author/submitter only will receive an automatic email from the system acknowledging the reception of the abstract.

Abstract withdrawal

Authors can withdraw abstracts independently until they are accepted as contributions in the program. If you need to withdraw your contribution after that time, please contact the ECRIS’24 scientific secretariat specifying your abstract title and ID.

Please contact the ECRIS’24 scientific secretariat if you have questions about managing your abstracts.

The call for abstracts is closed.