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Conference Website Dynamic Data Inclusions, Conference Tools, and Information Screens

Stefano Deiuri - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

This talk will showcase the variety of SPMS generated reports which can be included in your conference website and are automatically updated as data evolves is your SPMS instance.

A number of useful applications for poster police, doting boards, and other information screens will be showcased.

CWS History

The ConferenceWebsiteScript was developed ten years ago for the EPAC'08 conference, the goal was to automatically create some contents for the website.

Year after year these scripts have been updated and improved, and they now provide tools for other aspects of the conference.


In this scheme the CWS server and Web server are separated but in case you manage the website these can also coincide.


Clone the package to your server (ex. /var/www/html/) with this command

 git clone https://github.com/JACoW-org/CWS.git CWS

To run the scripts you need a web server that support php!

Directory structure

  • spms_*_importer: importer scripts
  • app_*: web apps (interactive pages)
  • page_*: dynamics pages
  • make_*: scripts that generate static contents
  • data: data processed and saved by the scripts for next steps
  • html: output files saved by the scripts
  • libs: required common libraries
  • tmp: temporary (raw) data downloaded from the SPMS (cache)


The configuration file config.php is available in the root of the package.

Global configuration

Some global parameters shared by the scripts have to be configured in the global section of the configuration file.

 define( 'ROOT_PATH', '/var/www/html/jacow-spms-cws' );

 cws_config =array(
   'global' =>array(
     'conf_name'       =>'IPAC18'
     'conf_url'        =>'http://ipac18.org'
     'spms_url'        =>'https://spms.fnal.gov/pls/ipac18'
     'root_url'        =>'http://ipac18.org/cws'
     'spms_passphrase' =>' see @ SPMS / System parameters / Web configuration page '
     'cws_timezone'    =>'Canada/Pacific'
     'date_start'      =>'2018-04-29'
     'date_end'        =>'2018-05-04'

Script configuration

Each script has its own section in the configuration file, usually it is not needed to change the default values.

SPMS configuration for Registrants' Chart

Dependency: "Include Registrants on Statistical Reports" flag in the registration page (Registration \ Setup & Maintanance \ Page Layout) properties of the SPMS.

SPMS configuration for Participants Page

Dependency: "Include Registrants on List Of Participants Report" flag in the registration page properties of the SPMS.


The data into the SPMS are continuously updated so the scripts must be executed periodically.

To simplify this task the package provides the script cron.php that reads the configuration file and executes each script at the right time.

The global setting cron_enabled enables or disables this script.

The cron parameter available in the script section of the configuration file controls when to run it.

Some examples:

 'spms_stats_importer' =>array(
    'cron' => '*:*' // the script is run each minute

 'spms_importer' =>array(
    'cron' => '*:00' // the script is run each hour at minute 00

 'make_chart_registrants' =>array(
    'cron' => '*:05' // the script is run each hour at minute 05, after the new data are imported

to disable the automatic execution of a script, use:

 'cron' => false // the script is not run

Index page

The script index.php available in the root of the package gives you access to the contents of the different scripts.


These scripts processes data collected from the SPMS and produces two files (HTML and Javascript) to render the chart. (by way of Google API)

Template files are used to simplify the integration with the conference website

Abstracts Submission Chart

 Script: make_chart_abstracts

Papers Submission Chart

 Script: make_chart_papers

Registrants Chart

 Script: make_chart_registrants

Participants Page

 Script: make_page_participants

This page summarizes the data of the recordings, it includes these elements:

  • chart with the trend of registrations
  • list of delegates
  • chart of countries

Programme Page

 Script: make_page_programme

The script produces:

  • page with the sessions, talks, breaks, for each day of conference
  • many HTML files, one for each abstract (these files are dynamically loaded in the programme when required)

Day view

Day view - with abstract

Day view - session expanded

Poster Police App

 Script: app_poster_police

This is the only script sending data to the SPMS, for this reason an access password is required, and must be set in the relevant section of the configuration file.

This is a tool to collect information about the posters - needed for the production of the proceedings

  • it provides a web interface that works with any browser and is OS independent
  • the interface is optimised for the tablets
  • it can be used simultaneously on more than one device

Login page

Home page - day chooser

Day view - session chooser

Session overview - poster chooser

Poster details

Proceeding Office Status Page

 Script: page_po_status

This page provides several charts that allows to monitor how the work proceeds in the Proceedins Office.



Paper Hourly Rates

Paper Daily Rates

Editors Top 10 (Paper)

Editors Top 10 (QA)

QA Daily Rates


 Script: barcode_page

This is an experimental utility that allows to speed up some SPMS operations simply by scanning the barcode printed on the paper.

Web Page

Android App

Paper Processing Status Page

 Script: page_edot

The SPMS provides a similar page, but this can be more easily customized.

Paper Status App

 Script: app_paper_status

This page allows to quickly check the status of a paper processings.

A QRcode available on the screens of the "Paper Processing Status" allows easy access to this page.

Search Page

Result Page

The requests on this page were:

  • 2016: 400 - I hung an instruction sheet under the screen 🤔
  • 2017: 250 - 📉 this service was also provided by the conference app
  • 2018: 200
  • 2019: 50

Thank you!

That's all folks!